What can I expect
from this course?
The Post Graduate Program in Entrepreneurship Management is aimed at persons who either wish to start their own business ventures or who wish to enhance the performance of an existing business.
How to apply
Applicants can apply online/visit/contact CBS for
more information.
What’s different about this course?
1,100 hours of
classroom contact
Field work, projects,
simulation games
Corporate Consultancy
Case Studies &
Role Playing
Who’s in charge of this course?
The Program is coordinated by Prof. Sridar Natarajan, who is a Metallurgical Engineer from IIT Kharagpur and a management graduate from IIM Bangalore, specializing in Finance and Systems.

How much is this course ?
Rs. 6,00,000 (inclusive of GST).
This includes the cost of reading
material. Scholarships are available for
deserving candidates. Please contact the
CBS office for more information.